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Title "IP Awareness and Enforcement: Modular based Actions for SMEs"
Funding Competitiveness and Innovation Programme, European Commission
Implementation period   2007 - 2010
Beneficiary countries European Member States
Beneficiaries European SMEs and SME associations
DKPTO role Work package leader for workpackages on development of the knowledge base and on IP enforcement support services
Budget 1,4 mill. € (Total 9,57 mill €)

Other consortium members: Patent Office of Republic of Bulgaria, Instituto Nacional da Prop.Industrial (PT), Hungarian Patent Office, Institut National de la Prop. Industrielle (FR), Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi, Czech Patent and Trademark Office, The Estonian Patent Office, Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic, National Board of Patents and Registration Finland, Swedish Patent and Registration office, Polish Patent Office, Direction de la Propriété Intellectuelle (LU),
Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, UK Patent Office, Hellenic Industrial Property Organisation, Industrial Propierty Office of Malta, Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas, State Office for Inventions and Trademarks (RO), Austrian Patent Office, Turkish Patent Institute, University of Alicante, Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor (LU)


Raise awareness of and knowledge of intellectual property rights for SMEs.


The project includes the following activities:

1) Development of IPR SME awareness strategies for IPR usage and enforcement at EU and local levels, bringing together the main existing institutions and services.

2) Development of a toolbox of materials on IPR and enforcement issues, including manuals and training manuals.

3) Provision of training for multipliers, in particular to the Business and Innovation network, a wide range of SME awareness and enforcement actions, and support for SME advice services.

4) Delivery of awareness workshops in particular on counterfeiting and with particular reference to the design and fachion indistries.

5) Development of support services designed for SMEs

The project has developed the homepage for European SMEs and other interested parties wishing to seek out IP information, awareness and support. 

Read more at the homepage


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