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Turning ideas into assets


Malta EU Transition Facility

- MT04/IB/OT/06


“Intellectual Property Awareness, Training and Enforcement”

Funding EU - Twinning Light
Implementation period   2005 – 2006 (12 months)
Beneficiary country Malta
Beneficiary institutions

Industrial Property Registrations Directorate (Lead Partner), The Attorney General, Police General Headquarters, Customs Department

DKPTO role Project leader
Budget 50.000 €



The objective was to map out and implement a holistic strategy for enforcement, training and awareness in the area of Intellectual Property Rights.

In this project, assistance was provided in relation to developing a strategy report on the fight against piracy. The report included recommendations on how to further enhance the cooperation between the IPR active institutions in the Maltese central administration: Police, Customs, the Attorney General and the Commerce Division.

Furthermore the project provided support in relation to awareness activities and seminars on improving the presentation skills of the staff at the Commerce Division. Finally a Danish police officer conducted specialized training course on IPR infringements targeting Police and Customs.


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