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Poland Twinning Project

- PL2004/IB/OT/03

Title "Strengthening the Protection of Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights"
Funding EU - Twinning
Implementation period    2005-2007 (22 months)
Beneficiary country Poland

Beneficiary institutions

Poland's Ministry of Finance (Customs), Polish Patent Office, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration (Border Guard and Police), and Ministry of Culture.
DKPTO role Project Leader
Budget 1.8 mio. €



The purpose of the project was to build capacity in the four participating Polish institutions concerning enforcement and use of IPR and to enhance cooperation between the Polish beneficiary institutions.


The project was succesfully implemented in November 2007. The project included the following activities:

  1. The DKPTO delivered training on the basics of IPR in the 16 Polish regions. The target group was representatives of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
  2. DKPTO developed an IT system for the Polish Customs to ensure compliance with EU legislation in the field of IPR enforcement
  3. Polish customs officers, border guards and police officers were trained in risk analysis, investigation methods and good practice in general within enforcement of IPR. The project included common training with participants from several of the enforcement agencies
  4. Short-term experts delivered analysis of the Polish legislation and training of staff to the Polish Ministry of Culture
  5. Several conferences on IPR issues were hosted by the project.

Experts from several countries were involved (Denmark, Belgium, Austria, Germany)


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